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After popular demand from her students and clientele, Cheryl is now writing a series of Feng Shui books, the first, "Feng Shui Simply, Change Your Life From the Inside Out" is available worldwide now.
Cheryl's message is both practical and purposeful. Her goal is to simplify Feng Shui to make it accessible and easy to adapt to any environment so that everyone has a blueprint for ultimate living, successful endeavors, and loving relationships.
Feng Shui Simply: Change Your Life from the Inside Out by Cheryl Grace is available on: Hay House, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Indiebound, and your favorite bookstore and electronic outlets.
Praise for Feng Shui SImply
"I have just finished your book Feng Shui Simply and how much I loved it. I have been using Feng Shui for years and it has always worked brilliantly for me but your book reminded me of all the important points of the inner connection to the art and taking that internal world out with me during my external life. It becomes too easy for us to constantly rearrange things in our home when we need changes and forget why we are doing it and to integrate thse changes permanently into our lives. Thank you for reminding me of that and making it so much clearer. I love Feng Shui and always have. This is probably whey it works so beautifully for me." Elizabeth Hicken
"Cheryl Grace is an extremely creative thinker and talented writer. The world needs and loves all the gifts she shares with us. Her Feng Shui Simply book is a totally new aspect on the subject. I love her choice of thoughts, words, and phrases. All very appealing to my mental and emotional mind." - Pat H., Reiki Master, Sarasota, FL
"I have just finished your book. Feng Shui Simply and had to write and tell you how much I loved it. I couldn't put it down. I have been using Feng Shui for years and it has always worked brilliantly for me but your book reminded me of the all-important point of the inner connection to the art - and taking that internal world out with me during my external life. It becomes too easy for us to constantly rearrange things in our home when we need changes and forget Why we are doing it and to integrate these changes permanently into our lives and ourselves. Thank you for reminding me of that and making it so much clearer. I love Feng Shui and always have - this is probably why it works so beautifully for me." - Elizabeth, South Africa
"I am sure you get a lot of fan emails. Its so interesting to think how I came to know about you. I accidentally came across a documentary about Feng shui and when I researched for best books on Feng shui your name appeared first. I started reading your book, I almost burst into tears because I have always felt that every thing in this universe has some energy to it and I feel that energy all the time in people and places and I always felt very embarrassed to discuss such topics because it looks silly to people who don't believe in it. I hadn't known any thing about Feng shui until I read your book. Your thoughts really feel make feel connected to you like my soul sister. I am a Doctor by profession and an Indian by origin living is the USA since 6 yrs. I have had that feeling of void that something is out there that I am destined to do something more in life than what I am doing now has been haunting me day and night since last 10 yrs. I am doing a lot of soul se arching and your book has just added the cherry on top of my cake. If you ever come to KY , I would love to come and meet you. I really would like to thank you for doing this amazing work, I am sure you are making a difference in many many lives and the humanity as a whole. Have a good day." - Vidhya Muralidhar, KY
"After the first few pages of reading Cheryl book “Feng Shui Simply change your life from the inside out” you will gain a new level of understanding on what is life is all about - not just Feng Shui. Have Cheryl as a mentor and your entire life will change. Personally working with Cheryl changed my personal and professional life 180 degrees. It wasn’t magic instead it’s was the crystal clear communication, deep understanding of the mentee needs & mind set, through professional experience, superior personal experience and before all a role model for someone who walk the talk. If you are reading this right now don’t hesitate to read her book and work with her because it will be one of kind experience." - Tarek Saleh, Fortune 500 Corporate Executive
“Cheryl Grace calls us home to remind us of how profoundly the energy of our surroundings affects us, and how important it is for feng shui to be personalized to fit the unique spirit of the person living in a space. You’ll learn so much from this book.”
- Jean Haner, author of The Wisdom of Your Face and Your Hidden Symmetry
"I believe that, like most Americans, I've heard of Feng Shui and maybe even had a general idea of what it was, but never really delved deep enough to learn its principles and what it was really about. Feng Shui Simply by Cheryl Grace is a book that not only details applying Feng Shui to external spaces, but to internal spaces as well - a concept that I had never considered before" ... continued on Amazon
An Independent Book Review by DaughterofWaters.blogspot.com
Feng Shui Simply can be that line of demarcation that we all need to make a change in our lives. Cheryl Grace masterfully has written one of the most down to earth and easy to read books on the subject. Feng Shui, a Chinese system of that improves and elevates the energy around us, can be laid out in a convoluted manner, but in this book Ms. Grace brought clarity and almost Woman Wit to it which made it such an easy read.
Aside from the great break down of the system this book urges all of us to not only grasp the Feng Shui of objects like furniture or color palettes, but even more intriguingly it is suggested we use Feng Shui principles on our inner self as well.
If you pick up this text I can guarantee at least one of her recommendations can have the potential to totally transform your life. For me, it was the section on clutter. Although I know what it is and am not a victim of it, somehow this book made me look at it in such an obtuse way I have totally rearranged my space and am more aware of even the semblances of clutter.
You need to know how to shift energy, read this book. You haven’t felt compelled to act upon all the self help information you’ve gathered, read this book. You feel like you are standing just on the tip of something new and can’t quite step over that line, read this book. For a foundational understanding of Feng Shui mixed in with some trendsetting translation of it for the inner person, read this book!
What Readers are Saying...
"Cheryl Grace is an extremely creative thinker and talented writer. The world needs and loves all the gifts she shares with us. Her Feng Shui Simply book is a totally new aspect on the subject. I love her choice of thoughts, words, and phrases. All very appealing to my mental and emotional mind." - Pat H., Reiki Master, Sarasota, FL
"I am sure you get a lot of fan emails. Its so interesting to think how I came to know about you. I accidentally came across a documentary about Feng shui and when I researched for best books on Feng shui your name appeared first. I started reading your book, I almost burst into tears because I have always felt that every thing in this universe has some energy to it and I feel that energy all the time in people and places and I always felt very embarrassed to discuss such topics because it looks silly to people who don't believe in it. I hadn't known any thing about Feng shui until I read your book. Your thoughts really feel make feel connected to you like my soul sister. I am a Doctor by profession and an Indian by origin living is the USA since 6 yrs. I have had that feeling of void that something is out there that I am destined to do something more in life than what I am doing now has been haunting me day and night since last 10 yrs. I am doing a lot of soul se arching and your book has just added the cherry on top of my cake. If you ever come to KY , I would love to come and meet you. I really would like to thank you for doing this amazing work, I am sure you are making a difference in many many lives and the humanity as a whole. Have a good day." - Vidhya Muralidhar, KY
"Thank you so much for your book Feng Shui simply. It has changed my whole outlook on life. Finding the book was, I believe, a miracle in itself.
I had been attending counseling sessions for anxiety/panic attacks. My counselor suggested I read books about other women who had been through domestic violent relationships, like myself, to find out how they recovered. At the end of the session, my manager phoned my mobile to inform me I wasn't required to work that day. So I decided to go to the library to find some books as suggested by the counsellor. However, there weren't any suitable books on the shelves. But I came across your book, and remembered my sister mentioning Feng Shui a few times and always wondered what she was talking about.
So thought I would read your book and educate myself about Feng Shui. From the first page of chapter one I was really excited because I could relate to feeling different types of "energy" in certain environments. But now I could understand why. I am halfway through reading the book but it has given me so much encouragement and strength already. And I've already started making positive changes in my life.
For example: I sing and play guitar at the local Country Music Club but because a lot of country songs have sad messages, I was starting to feel depressed. So I decided to find more upbeat, positive songs to sing and lift my spirits.
Thanks once again for your wonderful book." - Sharon, New Zealand
"Dear Cheryl - I have to tell you that your book is excellent. Although I enjoyed your classes this goes in to much more depth. I have read about half so far and it is fantastic. Congratulations. Fortunate Blessings." - Judith
“I just read your article Small Steps to a Healthier You, and a sentence in the first paragraph struck a high note with me. It was about a meal being interrupted by a phone call, and then you were no longer hungry when you returned to the table. I have made good choices in my life, including the ability to fore-go certain desserts and extras that I know I will have to work off at the gym. I still enjoy my house so much with the guidance you gave me. When I change anything, your plans always play a part.” - Diane, Sarasota, FL
“Loved your article - two places grabbed my heart 'letting your day unfold naturally without fear' and 'move elegantly in the community' - great writing! I am honored that you took the time to respond to me, and that you shared your story and your gift of wisdom with me. It was like getting a present in my e-mail, your message gave me a feeling of comfort and reassurance and I NEEDED THAT! I am searching for what it is I truly have a passion. You have encouraged me to keep on exploring, listening and waiting. Grace means 'gift' - thank you for the gift of your time, talent and wisdom!" - Grace, Sarasota, FL
Dear Cheryl, one day, few months ago, a fortune-teller announced me that I should deal with Feng shui. The information really surprised me, especially because I didn´t know what Feng shui is about. Well, I had opened few books dealing with that before, but the texts didn´t attract me. Why? Despite beautiful pictures I found there pure rules like "you need to do this and that, you shouldn´t..., you need to use that colour..., you should place a frog there..." atc. To be honest I didn´t understand the texts and I strongly felt that that the whole system is amazing, but the way how I could see it was interpreted suited to the country of its origin, not central Europe. Thank you for your Book! It really enriched me and doesn´t matter whether I´ll deal with Feng shui in my life or not. I appreciate the way it´s written - simple, lots of examples from your practice and modern approach. In the same time I hope it´s not your last book, because there are many things I´d still like to learn ( at the moment I´m not able to identify Kua´s in our house for instance... ) and I also believe there´s much you could share. ~ Petra, Czech Republic, Prague