Reach Your Life Mentor Program by Phone

Feng Shui principles are based on living in harmony with your environment, including your internal environment. Feng Shui can help you initiate positive changes in your personal and professional life by tapping into the inner wisdom of Feng Shui.
Many people today are surrounded by “clutter” that is not simply stacks of newspapers or a desk full of paper. Mind clutter has to do with being able to align what you do for a living with your life purpose. Your general lack of purpose may be hidden by a residue of a broken relationship, unfulfilled goals and desires, disoriented careers, or low self esteem. You might ask yourself, where is my passion for doing the work?
There may be a moment when you find that you are profoundly dissatisfied with where you are on your life path. The need to find a deep sense of meaning and fulfillment is often greater than the desire for more money or more time off. Gifted, high caliber employees who suffer in mismatched careers is not only a waste of talent but also a cause of unnecessary stress.
Regardless of age, most people look to their work to be an avenue to make a difference, raise self-esteem, and build confidence. We each have an innate need to do something with our lives and to be around other people with shared similar mindsets and interests that nurture our sense of purpose. It’s a signal if what you’re doing becomes a chore and your heart isn’t in it.
The Reach Your Life Potential Mentor Program with Cheryl Grace as your guide can help you see the world with a fresh approach and a different perspective. Cheryl can help you to become “unstuck” by leading you to redirect your career or life choices. Sometimes the greatest risk is not taking one, so what’s the harm in branching out and seeking the counsel of a trusted person to open thought and dialogue?
The Mentor Program can help you get in touch with your priorities and help you set goals. It doesn’t happen instantly; it is a process. Start with a vision of what your dream job or most fulfilling life would be like and set out to achieve it.
Your life will never represent anything real in the world, no matter how earnest your intentions, unless you follow your bliss and make your dreams a reality.
There is a deeper and truer life waiting to be acknowledged.
Begin your journey today.
The Buzz about Cheryl...
"After the first few pages of reading Cheryl book “Feng Shui Simply change your life from the inside out” you will gain a new level of understanding on what is life is all about - not just Feng Shui. Have Cheryl as a mentor and your entire life will change. Personally working with Cheryl changed my personal and professional life 180 degrees. It wasn’t magic instead it’s was the crystal clear communication, deep understanding of the mentee needs & mind set, through professional experience, superior personal experience and before all a role model for someone who walk the talk. If you are reading this right now don’t hesitate to read her book and work with her because it will be one of kind experience." - Tarek Saleh, Fortune 500 Corporate Executive
“Working with you, Cheryl, was one of the highlights in planning my new home! Our telephone conferences were just like having you across the table. By both of us looking at the "footprint" of my house and property, you helped me see how everything is tied together. Your explanation of furniture placement, interior design from a feng shui perspective, feng shui cures, flow, color palettes, lighting, and everything else represented in the space has given me my dream home. Because of your insightful questions, we were able to fine-tune my home to harmoniously reflect who I am while creating balance and attracting prosperity and happiness. Thank you so very much. I highly recommend your telephone consultations to anyone unable to meet with you in person.”
Kitty Bertlin Cave Junction, OR
“Once again, I thank you for your insightful guidance! What a wonderful conversation and what immediate results! I am relaxed and taking each day as the gift that it is, and I feel great. So, now that I'm not fretting anymore, everything seems to be falling neatly into place and I'm feeling thankful to be receiving and flowing so smoothly. Everything feels so fresh and new and like a great beginning to a wonderful new phase in life. I am relaxing and having fun. Yay! I love the way you seem to be able to cut through all the confusion and simplify things. I think you have an amazing gift!” - Shelley, world traveler
Reach Your Life Potential Mentor Program
Private session by phone
+ Career and Life Purpose Counseling
+ Private and Group Feng Shui Lessons for Beginners, Intermediates, and Advanced
+ Feng Shui Consultation for home or business
+ Redecorate Your Space
+ Ideal Placement of Furniture
+ Review architectural floor plans for new construction
+ Paint selection and color scheme for home or business
Personal Phone Consultation
$90/hr either to Feng Shui your home when an in-person consultation is not possible, or guide you to Reach Your Full Potential through coaching. Once payment is made, send Cheryl your telephone number via email with your telephone number and she will call you to set up an appointment time.
Service fees are non-refundable.
Business Phone Consultation
$150/hr for Business Consultations by phone. Once payment is made, Cheryl will call you to set an appointment time.
Service fees are non-refundable.
Legal Disclaimer
Readings I provide are for guidance only and are subject to your own interpretation and discernment. It is up to you to decide your path in life or any action you take based on your free will.
At no time is the information I provide to be considered legal advice, a medical diagnosis, financial counseling, or evidence of undisputed fact. My services are not a substitute for professional or legal services.