The Inner Wisdom Bagua Map
Original copyright material by Cheryl Grace, Feng Shui Design Consultant
Wealth and Prosperity
“Persistent Wind”
Core concepts:
Perseverance, persistence, charity, livelihood without greed, service to others, appreciation, optimism
Personal practice:
Count your blessings daily.
Soul qualities:
Grateful attitude, and focus on paying it forward
Vital Lesson:
If you always give, you’ll always have.
Fame and Reputation
“Clinging Fire”
Core concepts:
Reputation, recognition, integrity, authenticity, legacy, sincerity, honesty, community, future
Personal practice:
Identify your lasting legacy and choose every action in accordance with achieving that goal.
Soul qualities:
Focus on achieving goals in harmony with your truth
Vital Lesson:
Walk your talk.
Love, Marriage and Relationships
“Receptive Earth”
Core concepts:
Receptivity, self-love, compassion, romance, connection, passion, loving kindness, partnership
Personal practice:
Cultivate your inner magnetism to draw in and keep relationships.
Soul qualities:
An open mind, and always come from a place of love
Vital lesson:
Love grows from the inside out.
Health and Family
“Shocking Thunder"
Core concepts:
Strength, forgiveness, boundaries, discernment, flexibility, expression,
intuition, cooperation, ancestors
Personal practice:
Seek optimum physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health
Soul qualities:
Emphasis on maintaining strong family and friends of choice.
Vital lesson:
It’s not what you’re eating; it’s what’s eating you.
Core concepts:
Balance, groundedness, unity, calm, connectedness, self-awareness, completion, harmony, enlightenment
Personal practice:
Be conscious, present, and aware
Soul qualities:
Tuning in to your inner voice and harmonizing with your inner truth
Vital lesson:
Love what is.
Creativity & Children
“Joyous Lake”
Core concepts:
Joy, creativity, focus, logic, encouragement, imagination, originality
Personal practice:
Laugh, dance, create, paint, sing, play
Soul qualities:
Joy from within, passion creates discipline; willing to nurture your inner child
Vital lesson:
Dream with your eyes open.
Knowledge & Self-Cultivation
“Still Mountain”
Core concepts:
Quietude, reflection, peace, contemplation, wisdom, meditation, stillness, introspection
Personal practice:
Have some daily quiet time
Soul qualities:
Ability to redirect your energy to quieting the monkey mind
Vital lesson:
Introspection leads to wisdom.
Career & Life Purpose
Core concepts:
Courage, trust, depth, life purpose, life work
Personal practice:
Listen to your inner voice and honor your soul’s desire.
Soul qualities:
Finding the path of least resistance, pursuing your passion, and surrendering to your inner guidance system
Vital lesson:
Chase the inspiration, not the money.
Helpful People & Travel
“Creative Heaven”
Core concepts:
Clarity, confidence, synchronicity, spirituality, patience, insight, maturity
Personal practice:
Seek resonant spiritual guidance, helpers, teachers, mentors.
Soul qualities:
Openness to the guidance of synchronicity
Vital lesson:
You are always where you need to be.