Staging Your Home For Prosperity
by Cheryl Grace, copyright © 2005-2012
As the number of houses on the market in Sarasota County grows, homeowners are frustrated that they cannot sell their home in a decent time frame. Realtors have shared that some homes are simply priced too high or that the market is flooded with an abundance of good properties, making this a buyers market. If you are unable to sell your home or you simply want to live in a more desired environment, home staging may be for you.
Feng Shui uses age-old methods for creating an environment that is brings simple elegance and easy living into your space. You want to be able to come home to a place of serenity and tranquility after a hectic and stressful day. We are all aware of our human comfort zones and what makes us feel good. Your home is either contributing to your energy level or zapping your spirit and the optimum balance of colors, shapes, textures, lighting and arrangement of your furniture in your living space may well define it. It is natural for us to seek new ways to achieve a sense of balance in our lives and redecorating your home is fun!
Remember the time when you were shopping for a home and toured model homes? The goal of a model home is to help a prospective buyer to be able to imagine how furniture, artwork and accessories would be arranged in a particular floor plan. This is exactly what home staging is. The best place to start with your own home is with the view from the curb. Does your home invite you to come in? If your yard and entryway are poorly maintained or if it lacks color and personality, you already feel wilted upon arrival. Feng Shui philosophy maintains that your front door is the mouth of “chi” or prosperity and therefore is one of the most important aspects of your home.
All good fortune comes through your front door, so it is important to use your front door on a daily or weekly basis. A traditional method is to paint the door red, as the color represents the fire element to manifest abundance and blessings to enter your home. If painting your door red is not desirable or allowed in a community, add red flowers or colorful pots to raise the energetic level. Alternate colors for the door are darker colors such as black, or natural wood. Avoid clear glass as the energy sweeps into the home and dissipates at a faster pace. In addition, there can also be a sense of unease when answering your door, as a stranger will startle you without a solid barrier between the two of you.
The next most important area is the entryway to your living space. Keep the area spacious and decorated with your personal touch, as this is an opportunity for all who enter to learn about the owners’ personality and the tone of the home. Traditionally, the most prized artwork is hung in the entryway to welcome all guests. A Feng Shui enhancement to boost the energy to circulate around architectural design elements is to hang a round, multi faceted crystal from the ceiling. In addition, a crystal symbolizes the flow of energy through your body, mind and spirit, reminding you to pace your self while enjoying your life journey.
Each room in your home should reflect your unique style and treasures and not be a place where the furniture lives, and you don’t! To give your home a facelift, room by room, begin by taking all the furniture out of one room that you use the most, and apply a fresh coat of paint. If it is time to replace the floors or add new lighting fixtures, this is the opportunity to enhance the value of your home. Now you can evaluate each piece of furniture to see if is truly something you love and at the same time is comfortable and safe. If not, pay it forward by donating it to a charitable organization or furniture consignment shop.
Keep in mind that by eliminating something that no longer serves you, you are making room for something new to enter, in all aspects of your life, not just the family room!! Work from big to small, meaning start with the placement of your furniture, followed by your artwork, and last, the placement of your accessories. Your primary seating arrangement should ideally have a view of the door first, and alternately the view of the focal point of the room, whether it be a fireplace or outdoor landscaping. Having a view of the door gives you a sense of ease by placing you and your guests in the command position for a feeling of comfort and safety.
Because your accessories and collections convey the detail of your personal taste and style, choose everything with great care. They should reflect your fondest memories and not be associated with anything remotely negative, as everything is alive with energy and therefore, interconnected to your life and spirit. You want to have each and every room in your home fully support who you are today and your natural growth and development of your best self.